
Getting through the day, one cup at a time.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

on June 7, 2012

Oh my chinny-chin-chin (bonus points if you get the reference) I’ve been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I am in such shock right now, that there are people out there who think that I am awesome-face. This is an adjective…ssh…it’s my blog. And apparentlyI’minspiring!

First of all, I would like to thank kebibarra from Perfectly Imperfect Momma for the nomination. It really brightens my day to have an award bestowed upon me, and it makes me feel like I’m doing the right thing – throwing my thoughts out there into the interwebs. I love blogging, it’s an incredible hobby and an awesome way to connect with people who you may never have otherwise met; it’s a really great feeling to have someone else say to you: “Here’s a picture. Your blog is the bomb-diggity.


  1. Thank the award giver and link to them.
  2. Tell the world 7 things about yourself
  3. Nominate 7 other bloggers (who are the bomb-diggity), link their site, and let them know that you’ve told the world of their awesomeness through linkage.

Well, I think I safely covered number one. Even if it wasn’t a rule I would still want to give thanks to someone as awesome as kebibarra. Wouldn’t you?

I guess that brings me to number two. Seven things about myself. Hmmm….

  1. I am 5′ 2 1/2″. I used to be 5′ 3 1/2″. Whaaaaaaa????? How is that even possible?
  2. When I was in highschool I used to be really tough and brutal, now I’m really emotional and soft. I told Phil that this was ‘just a pregnancy thing’ and it would stop. It didn’t. Poor boy.
  3. I used to be in a band and I thought I was an amazing singer. Now I’m not so sure, I’ve either lied to myself for many years, or I have gotten severely out of practise.
  4. I have three tattoos and I use to have ten piercings. My piercing count is down to six, and I have a lovely (see: nasty) stretched scar from wearing my belly button ring into my seventh month of my first pregnancy. It’s really gross now. The kids like to poke it.
  5. I have a bad back. A compact lower spine, misaligned upper spine, and 5 dislocated ribs that cause me constant pain. I also have no money to go to a chiropractor, so I have hired Phil. I release him of all liability.
  6. I love camping. The outdoors, nature, fresh air. That’s my idea of a good time. We’re taking the kids for the first time this summer, and I can’t wait to make it an annual event!
  7. I have a disease in my knees that eats away at the cartilidge, and then the bones grind against each other and cause me severe pain. I have had surgery once (for both knees) so far in 2009, and was able to begin running that year for the first time since 1997. I have since lost the ability to run long distances, but I can still sprint and ride a bike.

So, there. Seven things that you didn’t know about me and probably didn’t really want to know, hahaha.

On to number three! MY nominations.

  1. For raising her children with complete love and acceptance, which is the way that all children should be raised, and still being able to admit that she’s never 100% sure she’s doing it right: Raising My Rainbow
  2. For being an amazing mother to five children, creating special memories for them (I’m talking about your phoney-dentist-birthday-day), and basking in the humour that is parenting: JM Randolph, Accidental Stepmom
  3. For providing real perspective into the causes and behaviours of babies, children, and toddlers; without seeming like a know-it-all or being condescending in any way: Sleeping Should Be Easy
  4. For bringing her activities home to her toddler, and then spreading them around the web so I can use them for my toddlers; and for inspiring me to try new and delicious foods that I the kids will love Mama. Papa. Bubba.
  5. For showing compassion and love to her husband and children, sharing the joys and humours of every day life, and being such a peaceful and caring mother: Jestidwell’s Blog
  6. For constantly reminding me that one day my kids will grow up and move on, and that I will so much miss and long for these days (even though some days I can’t see how): Post Departum Depression
  7. For exuding a peaceful personality, sharing her lovely life and recipes, and for finding a bear on her farm that she may or may not have named Bobby: Fine Frugality

I love all of the blogs that I follow, but these seven are the ones that really inspire me to do things, change things, love things, remember things, and try to be a better person.

8 responses to “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Holy moly, this is seriously making me happy, and I needed it today! Thank you for the props, and I’m sure you know by now that you too are one of my fave bloggers as well.

    p.s. You get extra points for being in a band… How cool is that?!

    • Hahaha, thanks! We had one homemade CD and we played at a couple of different events, but all for free. Ah, the prices you pay to get yourself out there. 😛 Seriously, it was an amazing experience. We had just over a CD-full of originals, and we did a lot of covers. 😀 Now, what should I spend my extra points on?

  2. kebibarra says:

    A fellow tattooed momma–I love it!!! Oh, yes and your blog is the “bomb diggity”

  3. myhonestself says:

    I want to hear more about the tattoos!! I am always so intrigued by other people’s tattoos and the stories behind them! And one more thing – camping with kids is FANTASTIC! My advice for camping with kids -whether you want it or not 😉 – throw all the rules out the window (except of course life jackets, bike helmets, stay away from the fire, don’t feed the bears, etc. the safety ones you should keep!) I’m talking about meal times, eating all your veggies, wearing shoes (unless there is a safety concern but if not kick the kicks!) and don’t over plan! My first camping experiences with my kids I had daily agendas trying to squeeze in all the fun possible. What I’ve learned after 3 years of annual camping trips – the fun just happens if you let go a little!

    Oh and pack magnifying glasses for the kids (the dollar store ones are fine) They entertain my kids for hours! Nature is interesting enough but once it’s magnified it is even better!!!

    • That’s an amazing idea! I should be able to scrape together a couple of bucks for magnifying glasses. 😀 Where we’re going there is…a…pool maybe? But I’m really in it for the grass, trees, tent and campfire. How old were your kids when you started going?

      • myhonestself says:

        A pool might not be true nature BUT definitely has it’s perks when it’s stifling hot! The first summer we went camping my son was just over a year and my daughter was nearly 3. As they age it’s so much easier and less to pack when you don’t need diapers!

        • Hahaha! That’s what I’m thinking. At almost 2 and almost 4, I know that keeping them close will be the biggest challenge. Other than that, I think we’re going to have a blast! We haven’t even told them yet 😀

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